Church to Host First UCC Social Justice Revival!

Revival image copyBrothers and sisters! A revival is coming to our church! If you’ve been looking for a spark to ignite your life or if you’ve been looking for an opportunity to share your fire with someone else, this is your chance! A few months ago my own flame of excitement was lit when I received a phone call from the Rev. Linda Jaramillo, the Executive Minister of Justice and Witness Ministries for our denomination. When Linda called, she wanted to know if our church would host the first UCC social justice revival ever. UCC churches from throughout the Pacific Northwest would be invited to attend this revival at our church on Saturday, November 8th. To host this denominational event is a tremendous honor, and while a lot of factors led to our being asked to serve as hosts, one of the factors is our own church’s reputation for social justice advocacy.

The theme of the revival is “Stoking the Fires of Justice: A Revival for Social Change.” The revival will provide a time of inspiring worship, preaching, and training. All of it designed to fan the flames of justice in the Northwest. Our guest preacher for the day will be the Rev. Thea Mateu, who is on the Board of Directors for the UCC and is the Young Adult Ministry Coordinator for the UCC’s Southern California-Nevada Conference. Music for the revival will feature the Highland Christian Center Choir, the Ainsworth UCC Choir, and our very own choir!

Your invited to attend! You can learn more about the revival and register at:

Catch the fire and pass it on!

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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