A Few Thoughts on Music

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Recently, as I drove around town, I listened to a CD of Mitch Albom reading his new book “Have a Little Faith.”  For me, the best part of the CD is hearing Mitch Albom imitate the singing of his late rabbi.  His rabbi would frequently interject singing into everyday life.  One could be talking with him about almost anything and suddenly whatever he had to say would be put into song.  Albom writes:

During sermons, any sentence could become an aria.  During conversation, he might belt out the nouns and verbs.  He was like his own little Broadway show.  In his later years, if you asked how he was doing, his eyes would crinkle and he’d raise a conductor’s finger and croon: ‘The old gray rabbi, ain’t what he used to be, ain’t what he used to be…

I must say that I find this kind of singing life-style very enviable. You may even start to hear me singing more during potlucks and pastoral care visits.   Hopefully, our hospitalized members won’t mind if my prayers start to come in a slightly off-key form.

As you can tell, I am having a bit of a music hangover after our Music Program Appreciation Sunday.  Life seems so much easier when you feel as if you might be able to sing your way through it.  Can there be any doubt that the Holy Spirit works through music?  On the notes of grace, we live and we cope and we celebrate all that God gives to us.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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