An Inspiring Life

Dear Church Family and Friends,

I suspect that many people like myself have found themselves deeply moved by the story of Christina-Taylor Green, the nine year old who was killed in the Arizona shooting.  Her life seemed to represent the antithesis of the hate and violence that led to her death.  Born on September 11, 2001, Christina-Taylor understood her own life to be a source of hope for a better future.  At a young age, she actively sought ways to achieve that future through kind-hearted and peaceable means.

Through a charity called Kids Helping Kids, she assisted less fortunate children. She was also a member of her school’s student council and had become passionate about the democratic process and our government.  Her mother recalls, “As young as she was, Christina-Taylor talked about getting all the parties to come together so we could live in a better country.  She was going to Giffords’ event to ask questions about how she could help and to learn more about politics in our country.”

For me, Christina-Taylor’s story has become a source of motivation as we embark upon two months filled with opportunities to make the world a better place for children.  With the upcoming forum on bullying, the panel discussion on child hunger, and our day of advocacy in Olympia, we can show our children, ourselves, and the broader community that there are a host of peaceful, value-driven ways for us to engage in civic participation and make our voice heard.   I enthusiastically invite each of you to make the most of these events.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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