Jack Bauer: A Spiritual Role Model?

Dear Church Family and Friends,

I have to admit I am sucker for television shows and movies that are full of suspense and political intrigue.  Last month marked the end of one of the most famous television shows of this genre: 24.  For those of you unfamiliar with this show, it starred Kiefer Sutherland as a special agent named Jack Bauer.  For eight seasons, Bauer foiled one terrorist plot after another as he raced against the clock (literally 24 hours broken into 24 episodes each season).

I have not seen every season, but I suspect finding spiritual or ethical content within the show might be a difficult task.  One synopsis of the show accurately describes Bauer as having an “ends justify the means” approach to bringing down the evildoers.  Bauer’s interrogation techniques often constitute torture, and, as I write this, I am struck by how the show began a month after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

A New York Times reviewer noted that the series followed in a tradition of espionage thrillers that typically become popular in “times of heightened anxiety over world affairs.”  In the post-911 era during which fear of terrorism has flourished, the public has found comfort and catharsis in watching the bad guys get outfoxed and pummeled by a tenacious Bauer.

Suspense comes in many forms, but ultimately it is about anticipation and waiting to see what unfolds next.  I like a spiritual life full of suspense.  I like watching to see how the Holy Spirit is going to manifest itself in my life each day and week.  For this kind of suspenseful life, Jack Bauer is arguably not an ideal role model.  By contrast, my dog Joey is.  For him, every walk is full of suspense as he drops his nose low to the ground and discovers one alluring scent after another.

This week lets all stay on the scent of the divine and rejoice in what we find.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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