Letter from the Pastor: My New Spiritual Guide

Dear Church Family and Friends,

When I got my puppy, little did I know he would become my new spiritual guide.  He may be cute and cuddly, but do not let the exterior fool you.  My puppy has taught me many lessons about patience, understanding, and dedication.  Undoubtedly, his method of instruction is unorthodox.  Like a Zen master who shocks one into realizing profound truths through comments or actions that at first seem outlandish, Joey sometimes initially upsets me with his “misbehavior.”  In such moments, I force myself to stop and ask myself what is the larger Truth that Joey is trying to teach me.

A key part of this learning process is recognizing that Joey does not operate by the same cultural assumptions by which I operate.  What is “misbehavior” to me is often for Joey either “natural instinct” or simply “being a puppy.”  However, once I am able to empathize with Joey and grasp the lesson he is trying to teach me, my entire demeanor and disposition toward him change.  He is no longer a “little rascal” or “monster.”  He is instead an adorable “teddy bear” or a furry “love bug.”

Ultimately, Joey has helped me to become a better Christian.  No one is more my neighbor than Joey, and he has truly taught me how to love my neighbor regardless of how he or she behaves.  Perhaps, all of us have Joeys in our lives.  We may at first dismiss some of their antics as annoying.  We may even see them as our enemies, especially if they bark at night.  However, in the end, if we but stop and shift our perspective, we might just realize they have a lot to teach us.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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