Preliminary Plan for Marriage Equality March

In February of 2012, a coalition of faith communities in Southwest Washington along with Equal Rights Washington, the Community of Welcoming Congregations, and the Religious Coalition for Equality will sponsor “The Love for All March for Marriage Equality.” This march will  serve as a means by which people of all faiths and persuasions can publicly declare (1) that they affirm, bless, and celebrate marriage for couples regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation and (2) that they call upon the state of Washington to make into law civil marriage for same-sex couples. The march will begin in Vancouver on February 9th and end on the front steps of state Capitol in Olympia on February 16th. Below is an overview of the motivations for the march, its logistics, and its opportunities for participation.

Legislative Implications: In February of 2012, it is likely that a bill will be presented to make into law civil marriage for same-sex couples in the state of Washington. The march is timed to bring positive attention and support to this bill.

March Teams:

Over the course of seven days, teams of walkers will walk from Vancouver to Olympia during the daylight hours of 8 am to 4 pm. The walkers will walk between 16 and 18 miles a day. Each day of the march will correspond to a pre-determined route that will have a definite beginning point and end point. Moreover, for each day, there will be a core team of eight walkers who will walk in shifts to cover these miles. These shifts may overlap so that multiple walkers are walking at once. For example, two walkers may commit to walking four of the eight hours. Another two walkers may commit to walking two hours. Another two walkers may commit to walking one hour. Two more walkers may commit to walking 15 to 45 minutes.


For each day, the core team of eight walkers will travel to the beginning of their route in a motor home that will accompany them during the day. This motor home will provide a warm place of respite with food, drink, and a restroom. A minivan will also accompany the walkers to help ensure their safety and to transport walkers back and forth to Vancouver, if needed. At the end of each day, walkers will be transported back to Vancouver unless arrangements have been made for walkers to stay with hosts along the route.


Representatives of the march will be available for evening events such as community forums and worship services at locations along the march route.


Ways organizations and faith communities can participate: (1) organize a team of walkers for one of the days of the march, (2) host an event along the march, (3) provide a place for marchers to sleep overnight, and (4) bring your organization or community to the march kick-off or one of the events at the end of the march. Ways individuals can participate: (1) join a team that has already committed to marching, (2) attend an event connected to the march, (3) march as little or as much as you can at the beginning or end of the march, and (4) spread the word about this event through facebook at If you would like to participate, please let us know at or (360) 693-1476.

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