The Love for All March for Marriage Equality

Dear Church Family and Friends,

For too long people of faith have been associated with opposition to marriage equality. In the state of Washington, we have the opportunity to change that. We can turn the tide and show that it is now time to associate people of faith with support for marriage equality. You can help us accomplish this by participating in “The Love for All March for Marriage Equality” that will take place over the course of seven days as we walk from Vancouver to Olympia. There are four ways you can participate and three of them do not even involve marching:

1) Come to the Prayer Breakfast that will kickoff of the march! We will gather for this breakfast at Vancouver First United Methodist Church on February 9th from 7 am to 8 am.

2) Come to the community forum on marriage equality in Longview on February 11th at 6 pm. This is the day on which marchers will be arriving in Longview. Longview United Methodist Church will have a dinner for the marchers at 5 pm before the community forum.

3) Come to the grand finale of the march on February 15th. We will gather at United Churches of Olympia at 4 pm to walk the final blocks to the steps of the Legislative Building for a rally and press conference. A little after 5 pm United Churches of Olympia will then host a celebration potluck dinner for us.

4) Finally, it is not too late to join the march itself on any of the seven days that we will be marching. People are welcome to march as little or as much as they like. When you are not marching, you can enjoy the camaraderie of fellow church members in either a van or an RV.

If you would like to participate in one of these four ways, please let me know by January 31st so that we have a sense of the numbers to expect and can also arrange for rides. Feel free to call or email me.

This march provides us with some wonderful opportunities to build community and deepen relationships as we promote a cause that’s time has come. Let this be the year that we declare and affirm that love is for all.

Your brother in Christ,

Pastor Brooks

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