Women’s History Month


Every year, during the month of March, hundreds of thousands of events are held throughout the country to acknowledge and recognize the amazing accomplishments of women.

This national celebration and recognition of women’s historic achievements began in 1980 when National Women’s History Week was proclaimed by Presidential Proclamation. In 1987, this national celebration was expanded by Congressional Resolution to an entire month by declaring March as National Women’s History Month.

The knowledge of women’s history provides a more expansive vision of what a woman can do. This perspective can encourage girls and women to think larger and bolder and can give boys and men a fuller understanding of the female experience.

Want to test your knowledge of women’s history?  Go to the following link for an interesting quiz: http://www.nwhp.org/whm/test.php   Then ask your local schools and libraries what they are doing to promote National Women’s History Month.

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