Worship Series: Christianity Misunderstood

billygrahamSunday, March 23rd will be the second of three Sundays focused on the theme “Christianity Misunderstood.” This series is inspired by a book written by Marcus Borg entitled Speaking Christian: Why Christian Words Have Lost Their Meaning and Power—And How They Can be Restored. In this book, Borg addresses a number of topics that frequently arise during the season of Lent. Topics include sin, forgiveness, repentance, sacrifice, and the death of Jesus. There is a history of religious abuse associated with these words that relates to unhealthy notions of guilt and shame. Borg argues for a more informed and healthy approach to the traditional concepts of the Christian faith. In introducing his book, Borg states, “Christian language has become a stumbling block in our time. Much of its basic vocabulary is seriously misunderstood by Christians and non-Christians alike.” Borg’s goal is to redeem the traditional language of our faith by presenting a fresh way of reading and hearing this language. This Sunday we will think about the concept of sin, especially as it relates to the “original sin” of Adam and Eve. Misleading and problematic interpretations of this scripture have been foundational for literalist theologies and for public figures like Billy Graham.

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